The problem I solve

What is the problem that I help solve?

Many IT organizations spend too much time working on things that add little business value. As a result, IT is not seen as providing a unique value to the business, all the way to the bottom line.

That’s the problem I help CIOs and senior IT leaders solve. It’s the problem that frustrates them. It keeps them up at night. It causes all kinds of angst at budget time. It doesn’t seem to go away. And it’s very frustrating to CIOs and senior IT leaders.

Here are a few of the symptoms of the problem:

  • The organization perceives IT as being slow, inefficient, or non-responsive
  • The IT team is disjointed and unorganized, which is causing chaos and unnecessary non-value-added work
  • Investments in tools and technologies have not delivered the desired results or returns on investment.

The CIOs and senior leaders that engage with me know there has to be a different way, and they’re willing to change… they’re just unsure of the how.

People I help…

Here are some attributes of the people I help.

  • An organization that recognizes the significant role of technology in business enablement and growth, but perhaps is struggling to illustrate how IT contributes to business success
  • Recognizes that there is no “one size fits all” approach
  • Engages in constructive dialog and collaboration that results in mutual success
  • Welcomes constructive feedback and differing perspectives
  • Understands that changes may be necessary if the organization is to achieve desired results
  • Is eager to invest time, resources, and effort to achieve true change and sustainable transformation
  • Is committed to creating a culture of collaboration and trust, continual learning, and growth
  • Understand that sustainable change and improvement requires a collaborative effort between us

Characteristics of those I help…

  • Have a clear vision for IT, and can articulate why IT is important to their organization
  • Want their IT team to work smarter, collaborate better, and deliver impactful results
  • Want the hard work done by their IT team to be recognized across the organization
  • Are committed to continual improvement, learning, and growth
  • Recognizes that for improvement to take root, cultural change is critical for success
  • Perhaps had a poor experience with another service management consultancy or tool vendor, which caused:
    • Too much focus on implementing tools and not enough focus defining how IT supports business outcomes
    • Practices that don’t quite meet the need
    • Confusion within the IT team
  • Would like to further strengthen IT’s role as a business strategic partner and value-enabler

Is any of this relevant to you? If yes, then let’s have a conversation. Contact Doug Tedder today!

Strategy and Planning

Impactful transformations begin with clear visioning, strategy, and planning. My strategy and planning workshops get you started on the right course.

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Continual Improvement

Companies that are not continually improving aren’t just sitting still – they’re getting left behind. Enable your organization to become good at getting better.

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Service Identification and Definition

Having trouble connecting IT deliverables to business results? Identify, define, and describe how your services deliver and support real business value and outcomes.

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Process Design and Improvement

Good process design enables consistency, repeatability, and measurability in how work gets done within your organization.

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Next Generation Service Management

Leverage the right service management methodologies to enable and support the unique needs of your organization and deliver the outcomes your business demands.

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Private Training

Looking for a team-oriented, tailored training experience for your team? Check out our private training offerings.

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