
Three AI truths with IT Service Management

There’s no question that introducing AI capabilities can have a dramatic impact on IT Service Management (ITSM). Done well, AI adoption will free up ITSM professionals to do the work for which humans are uniquely qualified, like critical thinking, contextual

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Is ESM a key enabler for successful Digital Transformation?

“Digital transformation” is a term that is often abused. Some think of digital transformation as simply moving information and data from an analog format to a digital format. Others think of digital transformation as the implementation of technologies in support

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Can Human-centered Design rescue your ITSM investment?

Is your organization struggling to realize a return on investment with ITSM? If you answered “yes”, you’re not alone. Many organizations are not getting the expected return on investment that was expected by adoption ITSM practices. Organizations are facing several

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4 things IT can do to improve Business-IT Alignment – and enable AI success

A few years ago, I thought that we had finally moved beyond the conversation of “business-IT alignment”.  I thought that business processes and technology had finally become integrated; if not integrated, then at least the boundary between business processes

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The 3 Pillars of Success for AI-enabled Service Management

In her book[i], Dr. Kavita Ganesan suggests that any AI adoption be evaluated using three pillars: Model success – Is the AI model performing at an acceptable level in development and production? (In other words, the model performs at the

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Three reasons why now is the right time for ESM

Enterprise service management (ESM) is an organizational capability for holistically delivering business value and outcomes, based upon shared processes, appropriate technologies, increased collaboration, and better communication across the organization.[i]  ESM, done well, enables positive customer and employee experiences, improves business agility,

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The more AI we become, the more human we need to be

Why are AI assistants given human-like names? Apple provides Siri[i]. Amazon has Alexa[ii]. Samsung features Bixby[iii]. And there are literally dozens of other examples, in use both publicly and privately. The attribution of human characteristics to non-human entities is known

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Start with Reporting first *then* Measurement

What are some common reasons why IT organizations measure and report metrics? Unfortunately, in my experience, the answers are not always the greatest. “We produce this report / measure this indicator because we always have.” “We measure this indicator

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Why your SLAs aren’t helping your XLAs

It may be hard to believe, but the term “experience economy” is nothing new. The term was first mentioned in this 1998 Harvard Business Review article.  In the article, the authors posited that an experience occurs when a company intentionally

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AI-enabled Knowledge Management might be low hanging fruit…if we can only reach it

AI-enabled technologies have captured the imagination of every organization. Organizations (both solution providers and buyers) are rushing to jump on the wave of adopting and integrating AI. Indeed, AI-enabled technologies have already found their way into IT support. An AI-enabled

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