
Can Human-centered Design rescue your ITSM investment?

Is your organization struggling to realize a return on investment with ITSM? If you answered “yes”, you’re not alone. Many organizations are not getting the expected return on investment that was expected by adoption ITSM practices. Organizations are facing several

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4 things IT can do to improve Business-IT Alignment – and enable AI success

A few years ago, I thought that we had finally moved beyond the conversation of “business-IT alignment”.  I thought that business processes and technology had finally become integrated; if not integrated, then at least the boundary between business processes

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The 3 Pillars of Success for AI-enabled Service Management

In her book[i], Dr. Kavita Ganesan suggests that any AI adoption be evaluated using three pillars: Model success – Is the AI model performing at an acceptable level in development and production? (In other words, the model performs at the

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Start with Reporting first *then* Measurement

What are some common reasons why IT organizations measure and report metrics? Unfortunately, in my experience, the answers are not always the greatest. “We produce this report / measure this indicator because we always have.” “We measure this indicator

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Why your SLAs aren’t helping your XLAs

It may be hard to believe, but the term “experience economy” is nothing new. The term was first mentioned in this 1998 Harvard Business Review article.  In the article, the authors posited that an experience occurs when a company intentionally

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AI-enabled Knowledge Management might be low hanging fruit…if we can only reach it

AI-enabled technologies have captured the imagination of every organization. Organizations (both solution providers and buyers) are rushing to jump on the wave of adopting and integrating AI. Indeed, AI-enabled technologies have already found their way into IT support. An AI-enabled

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roi of service management
What’s The ROI of Service Management?

IT service management has typically been seen as yet another cost inside of what is perceived to be a cost center known as “IT”. Why? Because many IT organizations still view service management as operating overhead…and nothing else. The potential

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missing it strategy
The Curious Case of the Missing IT Strategy

IT organizations often get stuck in a vicious cycle of never-ending work. IT implements solution after solution, fixes one problem after another, and no matter how many times they do it, those solutions and fixes never seem to stick. IT

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Are You Due for an IT Health Check?

If I asked IT leaders what it was like the week the world went remote in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I would guess 90% of them would have visceral reactions to the memory of that time. Many organizations

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Don’t Go Chasing Electrons

One of my biggest gripes about service management is that the work of service management has become synonymous with service management tools. This has really become an Achilles heel for service management. While service management tools are useful, they typically

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